Home Funeral Guide
In this day and age, not everyone wants their loved one shuffled off to a funeral home right after death, to be attended to by well-meaning, but ultimately, strangers. For some, the care of their loved one’s body after death is a time to be with that person after their spirit has left. This crucial time for processing and grieving the new reality of the loss, allows those left behind the opportunity to perform essential acts of love and kindness for the body in the form of gently washing with soap and warm water, anointing the body with essential oils, and dressing the body. Songs can be sung, stories can be told, and powerful emotions are given an outlet through the work of the hands and heart simultaneously.
How is this possible?
A “home funeral” can happen in any number of settings. If a person dies in a hospice or a hospital the dressing and washing of the body can be facilitated by family and friends over the course of a few hours, before the funeral home staff come in to remove the body for ultimate burial or cremation.
In the case of someone who dies at home on hospice, the body can be kept at home for anywhere from a few hours up to two or three days with the use of dry ice to keep the body cold. (Think “Irish wake.” They still do this over there.)
Is this Legal?
Yes. In almost every state of the union. It is legal in Pennsylvania and Delaware, the two states that I serve.
Contacting a funeral home in advance to let them know of your wishes to keep the body for a day or two is advised to ensure that the death certificate is properly filled out and filed. The funeral home will also come out and pick up the body when you are ready to have it moved for burial or cremation.
What do I do as a Home Funeral Guide?
My job is to offer you guidance, encouragement and support in the process of caring for your loved one’s body. I can also help you to create a space of honor for them, whether it is in the home, hospital, or hospice. As painful as the whole concept sounds, I promise you it will be one of the most profound, pivotal moments of your life. You will connect with your love for your person on such a deep, abiding level. There is a “realness” that comes from staying present with our loved ones in death, even as they were present with us in life.
If you are interested…
If you are interested in my assistance, I currently do not charge for a consultation. Because so few people choose to go this route, if you live a half an hour or less from where I live, I am willing to come to your home (or wherever your loved one currently resides) and will go over all the specifics of washing and taking care of their body. I am happy to talk to and reassure any family members who may be unsure or afraid of the whole concept.
If you would like me to create or officiate a ceremony for your loved one while they lie in the home, then my charge for officiating a funeral service will be in effect.